Flippy the pizza bear

Flippy the pizza bear
The music playing was so epic! And I loved this show!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

The haunting spirit ch 1

Chapter 1:
Coming out of the shadows

She violently shook as she was crouching behind a broken splintery chair, her teeth chattering. "Shh!" Her chipmunk friend said, putting a hand over her mouth. "He won't find us if we don't make any noise!" Giggles whispered, patting the nerve-wracked porcupine on the back gently. "HEEELP!" A shriek echoed, bouncing off the blood-stained walls. Flaky sighed. "He got Petunia." She shuddered, imagining the unbearable torture that the midnight blue skunk had to be facing. A yellow body flew with a splat onto the wall before them. "Cuddles... no...!" Giggles whimpered, using a fuzzy paw to wipe away a tear that was beginning to roll down her peach-colored cheek. Flaky looked at her with soft eyes. "I-I'm sorry that it had to come to this..." She said with a huge lump in her throat. Giggles' expression turned strict. "We need to get out of here, now." "Thanks for stating the obvious." They might be the only survivors left... Putting her fat ribbon bow back in her fur, she peeked her head out and scanned the room. "I'm pretty sure that the coast is clear," she alerted Flaky, rising up. "How can you be so sure?!" "I'm not, but are we gonna waste our time hiding like cowards?" "If that means staying alive, then yes!" Flaky protested, crossing her arms defiantly. "We won't live for much longer if we don't take action now." Giggles eyed the door. "That's the exit!" she exclaimed, jumping towards what she believed was freedom. "Wait, it's a trap!" Flaky shouted, when she caught a glimpse of the yellow eyes from the shadows, peering at her. She was completely terrified when the lights clicked off. She heard a shattering sound, then something heavy dropping to the white-tiled floor. Chandelier flickering back on, Giggles laid in the puddle of warm blood that was oozing out of her skull. Flaky pushed herself against a wall. "And I'm next..." she thought.
Her breathing was slow and steady. Her hands were all clammed up, but she barely took notice. The September winds outside were mighty, ripping the death leaves off of trees and carrying them far, far away... The door slammed. Her heart nearly leaped out of her chest, pressing hard against the ribcage. A beeping sound... a timer, perhaps? She bobbed her head to the right. A digital clock attached with colored wires to sticks of dynamite? "A homemade bomb... how original," Flaky thought sarcastically.
The bomb fumbled in her paws. Thoughts raced through her head on how to deactivate it all at once; "Disconnect the blue wire!" "No, cut the red, instead." "That's not right... just pull the yellow wire out of its freaking socket!" Voices seemed to be screaming at her. "What do I do???" Flaky asked herself repeatedly. "If Flippy were here," her mind reminded. "He would give you instructions on how to get through this." She kicked her own leg. "Don't be ridiculous, he got me tangled up in this mess in the first place!" she said in a snarly tone. "Who?" someone from behind asked. The bomb slipped out of Flaky's hands and she spun around, coming eye-to-eye with Flippy. "H-how did you-" "Is that what I think it is?" He leaned down and picked up the explosive device in his firm grasp. "Yeah! Can you please stop the clock from counting down, please?" she begged. He barred his teeth in a smile. "Why, I'll stop it alright..." With a sudden jerk, he shoved the bomb right through her chest. His eyes glistened with hate, now. "Oh no!" She fell to her knees, her head throbbing. Not only did the hole in her chest sting like crazy, but soon enough, she would be blown to smithereens. "See ya!" Evil snickered, trailing out of the building. Flaky moaned in pain. "Why... does this have to hurt? Not just the dying, but the thought of someone I love... murdering me?" She asked, during the final rings. 5...4...3...2...1... "Boom!"

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