Flippy the pizza bear

Flippy the pizza bear
The music playing was so epic! And I loved this show!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Issue 10

Last time on my entry, I told you Part 1 of my favorite pages in Sonic X issue 10. Here is what happened after that: Amy is in the lava. Eggman: HA HA HA! Amy: How come I didn't get burnt? Sonic: The rings protected you. I'd hate to think what would of happened if you hadn't had the rings. Sonic helps Amy out of the Lava. Amy thinks to her self:I knew Sonic cared about me! And that's really it. There's also a funny part from the next issue after that, when Sonic and Amy had just found Knuckles: Knuckles: This is another fine mess you've gotten us into, Sonic! Sonic: ME? How did you figure that, Knuckles? Amy: Yeah! This has to be another one of Dr. Eggman's traps! Sonic didn't bring us here! Knuckles: Just think about it, Amy! None of us would be here if it weren't for you Boy friend!! Sonic: I am not her "Boy friend"!!!! That's what they always say... Episode Stranded of teen titans, Cyborg said " Let's go. Unless you want to stay here goofing around with your girlfriend! Robin made such a big deal out of it though, him getting all nervous and his heart beating fast, but then he yelled "She is not my GIRLFRIEND!!!!".... in the movie, they kissed then BOOM, Starfire was his Girlfriend. So, maybe Sonic and Amy have a chance there....

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