Operation O.F.F.I.C.E., Numbah 4 sacrifices himself for Numbah 3, and he stays in a blown up ship, but Numbah 3 is still glad he's okay!
Operation B.E.A.C.H., Numbah 3 gets held captive by knights, and Numbah 4 yells "Hey, let go of her! Come back!!!! NUMBAH 3!!!" I say that's pretty cool. Numbahs 2 and 5 sing "Wally and Kuki siting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" He blushes to this, trying to make up an excuse for why they should rescue Numbah 3... "She... Um.... just owes my a quarter!"..... Wally gets totally jealous when he hears that Numbah 3 is getting married to King Sandy!!!!
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