Flippy the pizza bear

Flippy the pizza bear
The music playing was so epic! And I loved this show!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Crimson Rememrance Chapter One

Chapter One: Brought to safety
(Flaky's POV)
Cold, lifeless sky hung above me. The dazzling night dancers seemed to have vanished. I laid low, for fear that they might find me. They have already had their fun. Beat me with their eyes closed. Pried the crinkled-up dollar bills from my dead paws. Just because I lack courage, they think I'm some kind of scrawny weakling. Which I am. I felt my right eye swell and throb. Bruises ran up and down my body, not too visible against my tattered scarlet fur. A deep slash cut through the tissue at the side of my mouth. I tried to swab up the blood with the back of my hand, only to have it dripping down my chin. My arms and shoulders ached with pain, resulting from the many times they had slammed me against the dark brick alley walls. A light chime continued to ring in my ears, most likely from their screaming "Dance for us, you weak little slut!" Their taunts made my insides sting. "My other girl friends had never been abused like I have... why? How is it that I'm their target? I never did anything to deserve what I have already gone through..." I questioned, particularly to no one. An eerie crackle erupted from the sky. White strikes of lightning emerged out of the charcoal clouds. In an instant, rain began pouring down over the small town. Racing past the thick maple trees, I scanned the area for shelter from the storm. Strong gusts of wind swept away the numerous dandruff flakes from my flowing red-violet quills. With one accidental trip, I slid across the muddy grass, scraping my skin as I rubbed against the cement sidewalk. My bones trembling from the stinging cuts, I pushed myself up and limped onwards to what I believed was safety. "Breathe in and out, breathe in and out..." I instructed myself calmly, and obeyed the directions. I squinted past the horizon, and there it was. "I'm safe!" Within at least 20 feet, there was a tree-shaped house, lights blurring from the windows. The fat branches swayed with the breeze, and the rainwater flooded out the beautiful little garden that surrounded the doorsteps, but I ended up deciding that it seemed like a sturdy place to stay against the rowdy weather outside. I stomped up the doorsteps and pounded my fists against the soggy wooden door, shouting "Please, help me!" at the top of my lungs. Hearing dainty footsteps, the door creaked open. A slender female squirrel laid eyes on me and gasped, "You poor thing!" She pulled me inside and sat me down on a brown leather chair that faced the smoky fireplace. "You must be freezing!" Giggles' mother said sympathetically, draping a fuzzy olive blanket over my shoulders. "I'll make some tea," she told me before throwing on her apron and heading into the kitchen. I tilted my head back, then took a whiff of the toasty smell of burning bark from the fireplace ride up my nostrils. My vision cleared up, I let my eyes explore the contents of the cozy room. Old family photos hung on the rough walls. I heard the TV blaring from the next room. I observed the collections of knick knacks displayed on dusty bookshelves. I had known Giggles for a long period of time, but we weren't close enough friends to be inviting each other over to our own houses. Her mom returned moments later with a silver platter, carrying the steaming porcelain cups of tea. Her lips curled into a friendly smile. She handed me my tea. I took notice of the rose petal designs on the sides, shakily rising the cup up to my dry mouth and taking large gulps, letting it burn my throat. An expression of concern arose on the young woman's face. "How did you end up this way, dear?" she asked politely. " I was a-attacked when this group of guys pulled me into an alley n-next to the local market. They beat me, then stole my m-money." I stammered in response. Her eyes widened with shock. "Oh my...!" she cried out. "Giggles, come here, please!" Hearing her mother's call, the peach squirrel steeped into the doorway, tightening her bow. "Yes, mo- ...Flaky?" Puzzled, Giggles stared at me, her pacman eyes practically bulging out of her furry head. "What happened?" "She'll explain that later, sweet heart. Please go fetch this unfortunate sole some bandages and a hot wash cloth." she told her daughter. Gazing into my eyes, she reassured me with a small grin "We'll help you get better, Flaky. Don't you worry." I raved their generosity greatly. Giggles rushed back with the supplies that she had retrieved and put it in the possession of her mom. "Hold still..." she muttered, pressing the damp cloth against my wounds. I shut my eyes and sighed with content. The tingle of warm water on my skin made me feel a rush of exhilaration course throughout my veins. The gauze wrapped around my battered-up arms and legs, transforming me into a porcupine-mummy. Snuggled up in warmth, I let one eye pop open to see Giggles and her mother drowsily treading off to bed. "There's a guest room unoccupied down the hallway. Wake me up if you require any more service." she yawned, closing the door to her bedroom. I gathered the blanket in my arms and scurried past the guest room doorway. The floorboards screeched with every step. Flipping on a switch, a lamp flickered on, brightening up the entire room and bouncing off the maroon-colored walls. Sleepily, I stripped the covers off of the mattress and laid myself down, pulling the blanket over my head. Blindly, I pressed down on a side button next to the light-bulb and the light flashed off once again. Oh, how I longed for deep sleep fantasies to play in my head, it's the only way to escape my nightmare of a life...
~ ~ ~
I awoke to the beams of morning sun, welcoming me to another crappy day. My knotted up stomach moaned, as if begging for something to eat. Smoothing out the ruffled blanket (and covering up the evidence that I slept there), I strode down the hall, every once in a while catching a glimpse of the other rooms with their doors half-opened.While not hearing a peep from my hosts, it occurred to me that they may have left a little earlier. I searched for a fresh pile of stick notes and something to write with on a desk in the office parallel to my room, and ended up discovering them by a brand new computer in the process of being hooked up. Its black screen glimmered in the light, smudge free. The key board was clear of grimy food stains, hairs, or any other kind of sticky drink that got spilled while typing. "Hmph, at least they can afford this kind of technology. Meanwhile, I'm scraping for pennies!" I told myself, envy boiling deep inside of me. Picking up a Number 2 pencil in my light grasp, I wrote:
I appreciate your efforts to nurse me back to health and give me shelter. But alas, I will not take advantage of your kind offer, and will be heading home, now. Thank you very much!
Sincerely, Flaky
After dotting all of my 'I's with hearts, I carefully peeled off the crisp sticky note and stuck it onto the shiny frame of the monitor. Shutting the front door behind me, I hummed "Off to home I go..."

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