Flippy the pizza bear

Flippy the pizza bear
The music playing was so epic! And I loved this show!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Opposites attract ch 11

Chapter 11: Flippy's hat
(Flippy's POV)
I was sipping apple juice from a fancy-looking glass as I came back into the bedroom, and apparently, the girls were having an in depth conversation, huddled together and talking quietly. "I think that she is still having problems with her periods." Giggles whispered to the others, loud enough for me to make out. They both nodded in agreement. I gulped down some more juice. Periods? Like, at the end of sentences? I feel like I'm in Language arts or something... Girls talk about the most boring subjects.
(Flaky's POV)
I dozed off on my front porch, Flippy's beret tiled to one side of my head. I sat in an old rocking chair, squeaking as it swayed back and forth with the rhythm of the wind. "You're nothing," Evil said in my sleep. "Worthless, pathetic. You've had control for the past few weeks... it's my turn now!" He exclaimed. "Huh?!" Something flew off my head. I opened my eyes, only to watch Lifty and Shifty escape to their van that was parked near my house. "H-hey!" I yelled, waving my fist in the air. "Give that back!" It was no use. The twins hopped in and started up the car... with Flippy's army cap in their possession. "Need some help?" Evil asked, echoing inside my head. "As long as you steal the beret back." I told him. "Easy! It'll be like stabbing an old person." I didn't really get the comparison, but I let him take over, anyways.
(Normal POV)
Evil chuckled as he climbed onto the back of the van. He smirked. "This is more like it." Meanwhile, Shifty glared at his brother, steering the wheel at the same time. "I still say that penny is mine!" He barked, paying no attention to the road. "I saw it first!" Lifty hissed back. "But I picked it up before you did." Shifty argued. "Yeah? Well, you kno-" The car screeched to a stop. "Wha?" Both of them unbuckled their seat belts to go check out the front of the van. Shifty opened up the top, and peered inside. "I can't tell what's wrong." He said. "What? Let me see." Soon enough, both raccoons were leaning in. "I think that there's something wrong with the wires, or-" The top part slammed on them in an instant, making the two scream "Waaaaaah!" Blood sprinkled everywhere. Evil wiped off some oil from the top of his forehead , then snuck into the back. "There you are," He said, picking up his hat. Evil placed it back onto his head. "Hm... should I dump out the dead bodies?" He wondered, but eventually changed his mind. "Naaah..."
(Flippy's POV)
I could hear Giggles, Petunia Lammy snicker as I got back into my truck, belongings piled in the back. I noticed red stains all over my uniform, but decided that it was probably best to not ask. Flaky gave me a sly grin. "How was it?" She said. "Oh, just your typical old slumber party." I replied.

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