Flippy the pizza bear

Flippy the pizza bear
The music playing was so epic! And I loved this show!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dating chat room 1

Can you take a hit? Has logged on
Knuckles: Can someone come on, please? I'm gonna be bored alllll summer long!
Robstar1fan has logged on
Me: My goodness! I just got back from the dentist a couple of hours ago to tighten my braces, and it totally sucks!!!
Knuckles: HA! I should feel bad for you... too bad I don't!
Me: Knuckles, you idiot! Don't you know that this is a DATING chat room?!
Knuckles: W-what???????????!!!!!!!
Me: It's the truth....... hey wanna be Rouge's Boyfriend?
Knuckles: That Batty lady ought to be put in a jail cell!
Me: Fine..... then Shadow has dibs on her.
Knuckles: HUH?
Me: Well, Shadow always hits on her and stuff. And let's face it.... Shadow's hot, your not.
Knuckles: T-that is a total LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm way more hot than that punk!
Me: Prove it. Ask out Rouge before Shadow can. Then we'll see who's more smoking hot!
Knuckles: Remind me to erase you from my friends list.
Can you take a hit? has logged off
Shadow77 has logged on
Shadow: What's going on here?
Me: Hi, Shadow! This is an all new dating website, where you can try to ask people out in emails! :D
Shadow: Sounds like a waste of my time. I'm going to leave...
Me: Wait! Don't go, and I'll get Amy on here!
Shadow: .... Amy Rose?
Me: Yes
Shadow: Alright, but make it snappy!
Me: Kay hot stuff
Shadow: Don't call me that, Hannah
Me: fine.....

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