Flippy the pizza bear

Flippy the pizza bear
The music playing was so epic! And I loved this show!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What's really creepy:

I am going on vacation in like 4 weeks.

I got news a while back that the neighborhood I was living at was scary.

Here's why:

There was this little girl walking to her house with her mom. Apparently, when she was walking home, she kind of got lost from her mom.

Her mom tried to find her... suddenly, she could hear screaming:

"HELP!!!!!!!!! MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You guessed it. The little girl.

The mother turned around to see a little far away, her daughter was being dragged away by a stranger.

They never saw that little girl again.

Another time, someone tried to break into my cousin's car, but set off the alarm instead. He ran away before we could call the cops, though.

And I'm gonna tell you one more story....

Once, there was this family. In the family, there was a girl (young), a boy (young) and the parents. One day, when the mom was at work and the dad was asleep, the back door was unlocked. The two children were asleep, also, but on a couch. So, a stranger decided to come in, kidnap the little girl, throw her in the back of his truck, drive away, (This man was a child molester, and don't ask me what that means.) ummmmmm did something that should not be said out loud, and drown her in a lake.

I'm gonna have LOTS of fun where I'm going, huh?

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