Flippy the pizza bear

Flippy the pizza bear
The music playing was so epic! And I loved this show!!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Afraid of the dark? SonAmy oneshot

~Afraid of the dark?

(Amy's POV)
"Sonic, help me!" I screamed as a robot picked me up. "Hold on, Amy!" Sonic shouted, ramming into the robot's leg. He caught me in hims arms when I fell. "Thank you, Sonikku." I said, snuggling close to him. He let me down when we were away from danger. "This isn't over yet, you stupid hedgehog!" Dr. Eggman yelled, when another army of robots appeared. "Piece of cake!" Sonic bragged, putting his arm in front of me. "Did I mention that this battle will be held in the dark?" Eggman asked, when the lights turned off in his lair. "What?!" Sonic said. "That's right! This batch of robots is special! Each robot has night vision, so they can see in the dark! OH HO HO HO!" Eggman explained. "What should we do?" I asked, panic in my voice. "Don't worry, Ames. Just use your best sense of hearing to try and fight them." Sonic replied. But I knew that this was going to get difficult... I could hear the clash of metal that sounded like a robot was coming near me. I pulled out my piko-piko hammer for defense, then started swinging it around. BANG! I heard one (out of 6) robot fall down. "Maybe this isn't too hard..." I thought, as another robot approached me. "Target located." It beeped at me. "Amy? Are you still okay?" Sonic called. "Yeah, but I think another robot has just found me!" I answered, backing up a little. "I'm on my second robot." He told me. I used my hammer to tear through the core of Eggman's robot. "5...4...3...-" I realized that it was about to explode. I ran away from it... that is, until I hit the wall and fell over. "Ouch..." I mumbled. That was when the robot burst, causing a small explosion. "Amy!" Sonic exclaimed, then it got silent. "Sonic?" I said, listening intently. "Sonic!" I cried, feeling tear stream down my face. "I'm over here..." He told me. I followed the sound of his voice. I touched something on the ground, now realizing that it was him. "Are you injured?" I asked. "I got caught in the explosion.... I... I can't get up." I could hear the struggle in his tone. "I'll protect you, then!" I said, still sniffling. The fifth robot was coming for Sonic. "DON'T HURT HIM!" I shrieked, knocking it over before it could do any damage. "Thanks..." Sonic replied. I helped him stand up. Suddenly, I heard the sound of the sixth robot's laser powering up. I just couldn't let it kill Sonic! I quickly pushed him out of the way, and got hit with the powerful beam in the process.
~ ~ ~
(Sonic's POV)
"What was that?!" I wondered. "Wait a second... I think that Amy just saved my life!" I thought. "Thanks, Ames." I told her. No response from the perky hedgehog. "Amy???" I called. "Target found." The last robot was going after her... I felt Amy, who laid on the floor. "Please wake up!" I begged, shaking her lightly. "Urgggh..." She moaned, not getting up. "Amy, get- AKKKKK!" I screamed, as the robot shoved me out of it's way. "Subject: Amy Rose. Mission accomplished." "Hey, what's going on? PUT ME DOWN!" Amy squealed. "I'll save ya, Amy!" I said, chasing after the robot.
~ ~ ~
(Amy's POV)
I was being carried away by that crappy robot.(Robot: HEY! Who are you callin crappy?!) Then, I heard noises that sounded like a knife cutting through metal. The robot started shaking, and then it dropped me down on the floor. It teetered over in a crash. I felt warm arms wrap around me. "I'm so glad that you're okay!" Sonic exclaimed. Suddenly, I felt a pair of lips touch mine lightly. "Is Sonic... kissing me?" I wondered, but still enjoyed the moment. He pulled away... that's when the lights turned back on. "How could you have possibly escaped my robots?! No matter, I'll just have to get you next time." Eggman said, making a successful retreat. Sonic smirked. "Yeah, you better run!"

The end!

When you weren't there -SonAmy Oneshot

~When you weren't there

(Amy's POV) (9:00 PM)
"Cream, I need to get some groceries because we're running out of food. I'll be back in 20 minutes or so." I told her, taking out my small pink purse. "Okay, Amy. Hurry back then!" Cream said, closing the door after me.
~ ~ ~
When I got farther and farther into the city, I started hearing loud explosions. I soon realized that Sonic was in a battle with Eggman..... for the billionth time! Sometimes the fights between those two really disturb my social life... I kept walking on... until something tackled me. "Hello, girl. Do you have any money in that purse you're holding?" A voice asked. I tried to make out the person, but they were too hidden to be seen. "Answer me!" The person took my wrist and tried to bend it like a pretzel. It really hurt. "So what if I have money! You can't take it away from me!" I said, tightening my grip on the handle of my purse. "Oh, is that the way you want to play?" The voice hissed, taking out some kind of blade that sparkled in the dark. "Then I can play that way, too."
~ ~ ~
(Cream's POV) (9:30 PM)
Amy said that she would come back in 20 minutes, but it has already been a half hour! I hoped that my friend was still okay... "Cream, dear! It's time to go to bed!" My mother called. "But momma! Amy hasn't returned yet!" I exclaimed, pointing at the front door. "It's fine, Cream. I'm sure that she will come home soon. Now you should go get some sleep." Mom said, heading to bed herself. "I hope you're alright, Amy..." I thought as I followed my mother.
~ ~ ~
(Sonic's POV) (10:00 PM)
I had just finished kicking Eggman's butt, and I ran back to the Thorndike (I dunno how you spell that XD) mansion to get some rest. Chris' parents were out of town, Chris is visiting his cousins in Ohio, but Ella and Mr. Tanaka are still here. I was also guessing that Cream, Cheese, Vanilla, Tails and Amy were asleep. So, I just slept in my normal spot on the roof.
~ ~ ~
(8:02 AM)
I awoke to the sound of crying. "Calm down, Cream. I'm sure she's fine. "If she's fine, then why has she been missing for so long???" I heard the conversation from inside. I carefully jumped off the roof, heading in through the front door. "What's going on?" I asked when I saw Cream in tears. "Amy has been missing all night with no return, so Tails is using the X-Tornado to try to find her." Ella explained. "Oh... okay." I said, going into the kitchen to get something to eat. "What if Amy got captured by Dr. Eggman?" I wondered, pouring a bowl of cereal for myself. "But he was just defeated... there's no way he could of gotten to her while I was fighting him." I thought, taking a bite of my cereal. If Eggman didn't do anything to her.... then who did?
~ ~ ~
(Tails' POV)
I was searching all throughout the city and I still couldn't find her. But Cream did mention that she was out for groceries... I flew the X-Tornado over the marked. Something caught my eye that was in the alley next to the market, though. I parked my plane in a wide space, then sprinted out of my seat. "Amy! Are you here?" I asked, going into the alley. I gasped when I spotted her. She laid, face down, with wounds covering her body. "Amy!" I exclaimed. She didn't respond. I noticed that her purse was missing. I turned her over to see that dry blood was splattered (I love that word ^^) all over her face and sundress. I took out my emergency cell phone and dialed 9-1-1...
~ ~ ~
(Sonic's POV) (8:31 AM)
The others were waiting eagerly for Tails to call and say "Yup, I found her and she's safe." But... he never did. This got me a little concerned. What if something happened to Tails, too? I turned on the TV. It was on the news channel (coincidence?). "The weather forecast for today is sunny with a slight chance of rain." The weather man said. "Hm... I guess I'll watch this." I decided, turning up the volume a little. A segment came up titled "Breaking News with Scarlet Garcia". The screen showed the reporter standing in the middle of Station Square. In the background, you could see someone covered with a blanket being carried on a gurney into an ambulance. I spotted the victim's arm slightly sticking out. My eyes widened. It had on a glove with a golden ring. "I'm Scarlet Garcia, reporting live in Station Square. We just received a phone call from Miles Prower, stating that his friend Amy Rose was in need of help. It is confirmed that Miss Rose has been robbed and stabbed by an unknown person. The paramedics aren't quite sure if she's going to make it or not." The reporter announced. I turned of the TV. I couldn't believe what had happened... I hoped that Amy would still be alive when I go to see her... I went to tell the others the bad news.
~ ~ ~
(Later that day...)
"We're here to see Amy Rose, please." Vanilla said to the person at the front desk. "I see. Your friend is in room A12." The man handed her a slip. "Thank you." Vanilla said, leading the group to the waiting room.

~ ~ ~
Since Ella and Mr.Tanaka had to stay at the mansion, it was just the 7 of us... Me, Cream (without cheese), Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow, Vanilla and Tails. I chose a chair to sit in and sighed. If I wasn't fighting Eggman at that time, I could of saved her... I suddenly had this horrible thought in my mind... "What if she doesn't make it?" I softly cried at the thought. Tails could hear it. "Amy will be fine." He told me, putting his hand on my shoulder. "But what if she's not fine? Then what?" I asked, looking up. "Even if that happens, you're Sonic the hedgehog. You're not gonna give up, even if it looks like a bad situation!" My ears that were flat suddenly perked up. "You're right, buddy. Thanks for the encouragement." I replied. The operating room's door creaked open. "We're taking guests now. One at a time, please." The nurse announced. Everyone looked at me. I nodded, getting up and going into the operating room.
~ ~ ~
Amy's breathing was soft. "......Amy?" I whispered, coming to her bedside. Slowly, her emerald green eyes opened. "Hi, Sonic." She said. "Are you feeling alright?" I asked her. "Yeah... but that robber sure knows how to slice and cut a person." I sighed. "Listen, Amy... I'm so sorry that I wasn't there to save you..." I told her. She smiled. "That's okay. It's not like I got killed or anything." Amy replied. "And I'm thankful for that." I said.
The end!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay, I just found out that me and my mom are going to my bff's house to celebrate the 4th of July!

And I'm going to sleep over there!


-_- You know who I'm talkin to!

Shades of Scarlet chapter 9

Chapter 9: Us together (Sonic's POV)
We started off our day with a trip to the amusement park. (I got Amy in for free cause nobody could see her :D) We rode on a roller coaster that went upside down, backwards, in swirls and loops. When we got off, I smirked, stating "I'm 1,00 times faster than that ride!" Amy smiled. "You sure are, Sonic."
~ ~ ~
"You wanna go get some ice cream?" I offered, glancing at the ice cream stand. She glared at me. "I'm dead. I can't eat food." Amy reminded me. "Oh...... that's right...." I said, trying to come up with another idea. "........We could see a movie." I suggested. She nodded in agreement. "I'd like that."
~ ~ ~
"Where would you like to sit?" I asked. "Hmm... how about over there?" Amy said, pointing to a section in the middle row. "Sounds good." I said, following her to the seats. More people arrived as we sat down. A tall dude (about 6 feet!) came up to me. "Hey, is anyone sitting there?" He asked, pointing to where Amy was sitting. She looked at me with alarm. "Don't you dare say-" "Nope, go right ahead." I interrupted. "Thanks." The man sat on Amy. "Gaaaaah!" She groaned. "I'm gonna hit you so hard when this movie is over!" Amy told me sternly. I grinned, whispering "We'll see about that." The guy heard me. "Who are you talking to?" He said, looking around. ".....nobody.........." I answered, when the previews started.
~ ~ ~
We just laid there in the middle of the field, looking at the dark blue sky and stars scattered all over it. "Thank you, Sonic..." Amy said in a soft tone. I looked at her. "For what?" I asked. "For making my last day worth it, for being there for me, for...... everything." She answered, staring at the glowing white moon. "It was no problem!" I replied with a wink. "Now...... it's time for me to go." Amy told me, getting up. "Right now?" I said. "Yes........" She whispered. A gust of wind went by. "Wait! I have an important question to ask you!" I exclaimed. Amy turned around to face me. "Will I ever see you again?" I asked, looking into her eyes. They glistened in the moon light. A small smile appeared on her face. "Maybe... but if not, then you will always have me..." She pointed to where my heart was located. "In here." Amy replied. "In my chest?" I said, being sarcastic to lighten up the mood. "Don't spoil the moment." She told me, patting my back. "Good-bye, Sonic the hedgehog." Amy whimpered, a shining light surrounding her. In a flash, she disappeared. I wiped away a tear from my eye. "Farewell...... Amy Rose."

The end.... maybe?

Revenge is sweet!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I shrieked as my brother chased me through the house with his sweaty towel and smacked me with it.

My revenge:

I took a couple pics of my brother sun bathing, and I locked him out of the house :)

I feel better now ^^

Shades of Scarlet Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Evidence (Tails' POV)
I opened the door to my workshop to see Sonic standing there. "How did he-" "Amy." Knuckles, Rouge and Sonic said all at once. "Is she in the workshop right now?" I asked. "Yeah." Rouge answered. "Good, then I can test out my brand new invention..." I said, taking out a special pair of goggles and headphones. "What are you doing with that junk?" She asked, giving me a blank expression. (A/N: Sort of like the expression I have when a teacher asks me to find the value of pie... like ALL of it! :D) "This isn't junk... like I said before, it's my new invention!" I put on the goggles, turning on a button at the side. I put the headphones on my ears. "If this works, I should be able to see and hear Amy." I explained. "Scanning... scanning... ghost identified." Said a robotic voice. Through the black vision of the goggles, I could see Amy standing next to Sonic. "Does it work?" She asked. "Yeah, it works." I answered. Suddenly, the goggles and headphones were yanked off of my head. "I want to see Amy!" Knuckles exclaimed, putting on the gear. "So... now what?" Sonic asked. He turned his head the other way... probably towards Amy. She must be talking to him...
~ ~ ~ (Sonic's POV)
"Actually... There's something I need to say..." Amy said, looking at me. "What is it?" I asked her. "Well.... I only have 1 day left." She answered, now staring down at the floor. I gave her a puzzled look. "Huh?" "When someone becomes a ghost, they only have a limited amount of time before they...... vanish." Amy sighed, putting her hands behind her back. "Oh..." "What is she saying?" Tails replied. "Amy said that she only has one more day left until she disappears." Knuckles said. Tails removed the head gear from Knuckles and put it on himself. "Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked Amy. She shook her head. "There's nothing anyone can do..." Amy answered softly. "Well, let me help make your last days worth it!" I exclaimed. A tiny smile appeared on her face. "Thanks, Sonic..."

Spell of Love chapter 10

Chapter 10: Back to normal (Amy's POV)
I felt something shake me lightly. I opened my eyes halfway to see Sonic. I gasped. "Did you get in bed with me?!" I asked. "N-no! I woke up on the floor, but last time I recall, Shadow was here!" He said. I sweat-dropped. Sonic was back to his regular self, and it was my job to tell him what happened. "Okay, I'll give you a list of things that happened: You fell in love with Shadow-" "I WHAT????!!!!" He screamed. I frowned. "You heard what I said!" I exclaimed. "Oh god.... did I like .... kiss him or anything?!" Sonic asked. "That's the most disturbing question I've ever heard you ask me." "BUT DID I?!" "No." I answered. He sighed of relief. "But... you did make out with someone else..." Sonic's ears perked up. "Who???" "Me... I thought that spraying you again would return you back to normal, but it actually made you crazy over me... and now I have realized how much I put you through during the past years..." I replied, looking down. "Was it in front of anyone?" Sonic asked. "Yeah, but it was only Tails..." He sweat-dropped, trying to imagine the moment. "Anything else?" Sonic added. "Shadow apologized." I said. "Sounds like I've missed a lot..." He told me. "You have no idea."
~ ~ ~
(1 week later)
"How come people keep on laughing at me when they see me?" Sonic asked. "Probably cause they've heard about that smooch between you and Amy." Knuckles suggested, smirking. "Either that, or your face is so unattractive that it makes people laugh." Shadow said. Knuckles and I tried to hold in our laughs. "Hey! At least I have a girlfriend!" Sonic exclaimed, putting his arm around me. I blushed at the comment. "I can date anyone I feel like dating!" Knuckles argued, crossing his arms. "Like Rouge?" Shadow teased. "N-no way!" He said, his face getting more red than his fur. A couple of guys walked passed us, but then they turned around. "Hey, look! It's Sonic the hedgehog!" One of them exclaimed. They started making kissy noises at him. Sonic growled. Knuckles chuckled soft. Sonic turned to him. "I'm sorry, Knuckles. Did you think that was funny?" He asked. "So what if I did?" Knuckles replied. "Then I'll get payback!" Sonic quickly snatched Knuckles' cell phone out of his hand. "What are you doing?!" He shouted. "I'm texting Rouge that you love her." Sonic answered, dialing in some letters. "What?! GIVE IT BACK!" Knuckles screamed, taking away the phone. "Phew, it's gone." He said, putting away the cell phone. "That's because I already sent it to her." Sonic said, grinning. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU, HEDGEHOG!" Knuckles yelled, chasing after Sonic. "Let's see if you can catch me first!" He replied, dashing away. "Yup," I thought. "That's my Sonikku."


Spell of Love chapter 9

Chapter 9: Love boost (Amy's POV)
"Sonic!" I exclaimed when he started coughing. "Are you alright?" I asked him. But he was staring at something... I followed his gaze to Shadow. "Oh dear God, no!" I thought. "Wow, Shadow looks so-" "SONIC! Don't even think about saying what you're about to say." I exclaimed, starting to shake him. "You can't destroy love, Amy." Sonic said. "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! SNAP OUT OF IT!" I shouted, slapping him across the face. "OW!" He yelped. Sonic stared right into my eyes and said. "Never." "Fine, I'll get you back to your normal self!" I exclaimed, running towards Shadow with my hammer up in the air. "DON'T HIT HIM!" I heard Sonic yell, but I did it anyways. He dropped the bottle, falling backwards. I caught it in my hands before it shattered all over the floor. I felt someone tackle me from behind. Sonic pinned me to the ground. "How dare you smack Shadow!" He growled. I quickly got out the potion and started spraying. "AAAAAK!" Sonic screamed. Then he looked at me with wide eyes. "Oh, hi Amy!" Sonic said getting off of me. I stood up. "Um.......... I kinda got this urge........." He replied. "......... to kiss you." I smiled. "Later. Right now isn't the time or place! I exclaimed. "But it can't wait! I love you sooooooooooo much, Amy Rose!" Sonic said, wrapping his arms around me. "Oh no.... the love potion didn't bring Sonic back, it increased his love for me..." I thought. I watched in terror as Shadow got up. "Aw, isn't that sweet. MY girlfriend in the arms of another guy!" He said, looking at me. Step by step, Shadow came closer, and Sonic held me tighter. "Sonic, get off of me!" I exclaimed, trying to push him away. "No, Amy! I must hold on." He told me. "Make yourself useful by letting me go so I can go break up with Shadow!" I hissed. "Alright." Sonic said, finally letting go off me so I could breathe. But, Shadow took my arms and started dragging me away. "We need to talk." I nodded in response. "Shadow, why are you doing this?'' He looked confused. "I..... I'm not really sure. I guess I wanted someone to love, and you were the only one there was. I think all of that 'love' crap got the best of me..." Shadow admitted. He finally let go out me. "Love can make you do crazy things.... so I forgive you. But... I think that we need to brake up...." I told him. He nodded, then embraced me. "AHEM!" We both turned our heads the other way to see Sonic watching in disgust. "Come on, Amy." He replied, taking my hand and pulling me away. "Uh.... see you later!" I told Shadow. "What ever." He said, walking out the door. When he had his back turned, Sonic stuck out his tongue. I giggled. "Well, I'm glad that's over." I sighed of relief. Then, something else popped into my head. "But you're still obsessed with me..." I said, now remembering. "Well.... it's better than him loving Shadow... that's for sure." To my surprise, Sonic swooped up from behind me and lifted me off the ground. He brought me to the couch. "So.... now what?" I asked him. "Well..... I was kind of hoping..... we could..." Sonic started. He grabbed me and started kissing. "Oh wow.... he's an awesome kisser!" I thought happily. "Hey Amy, I was just in the neighborhood and-" Tails came in (considering that the door was wide open) and paused. "Uh.............." He stared at us. I quickly pulled away. "This isn't what it looks like!" I exclaimed. "Yeah it-" "Shut up, Sonic!" I said, glaring at him. He put his arms around my waist, ignoring the fact that Tails was watching. "Um......... this got really awkward." I mumbled. "Is there something wrong with Sonic?" He asked me. "He's probably drunk...... I guess." I lied. Tails rolled his eyes "Riiiiiiiight, Well.... I'm gonna go now." Before he walked out, Tails added. "And try not to swallow each others' spit!" "Eww..." I said. "Don't worry, he's just exaggerating...... I hope." Sonic replied.
~ ~ ~
I heard knocking at my bedroom door. I glanced at the digital clock. "3:54 AM" It read. I groaned. "Come in!" Sonic opened the door. "..... can I sleep in here?" He asked. "Depends which one you prefer... the bed, or the floor?" I replied. "...... the bed?" "Wrong answer. Go away." I told him. "Fine.... the floor." Sonic mumbled. "That's fine with me. But if you sneak into my bed while I'm sleeping, I'm gonna have a restraining order filed against you." "Okay." He agreed, lying on the wooden floor of my bed room. "Night, Sonic." I said, pulling up my covers. "Good night, my beloved." He told me.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Spell of Love chapter 8

Chapter 8: Shadow gets involved (Amy's POV)
"I said, OPEN THIS DOOR!" "Oh no, it's Shadow!" I whispered to Sonic. He sighed. "I guess you should let Shadow in, so we can reason with him." Sonic said. "Are you crazy?! He's gonna be really mad!" I exclaimed in a low tone. "You should open the door before his rage gets even worse." He told me. "Fine." I mumbled, heading for the front door. Opening it up, I saw Shadow who was outrageously angry. He came inside. "I knew you would be here with HIM!" Shadow told me. "You haven't been a loyal girlfriend to me, Amy!" I almost burst out laughing. "Look who's talking... you're the one who forced me into loving you, when I said I wasn't interested!" His fury spun out of control and he hit me in the face. It was hard enough to push me to the ground. "AMY!" Sonic yelled, coming to my side and helping me stand up. Sonic scowled at Shadow, screaming "Is this how you treat the ones you love? With twisted violence?!" I watched as Shadow pushed him roughly, yelling "You're not involved in this! It's between me and Amy!" He got out the bottle that contained the love potion. "....and since this potion makes anyone you spray fall in love with the first person you see," He started, aiming at me. "... Then I'm gonna make you mine." Sonic quickly dashed in front of me, taking the spray himself.

Spell of Love chapter 7

Chapter 7: Broken spell (Sonic's POV)
It was already in the afternoon... Amy still hasn't came out of her bedroom. My concerns for her grew by the hour. That's when I decided to check up on her. I knocked lightly on her door. "Amy?" I asked softly. Silently, I pushed the door open. She was sleeping underneath her covers. I felt a warm smile form on my face. "Amy looks so cute when she's asleep." I thought, coming in. I carefully got on the bed. I felt a comforting sensation, so I started stroking Amy's short pink quills. She put her arms around me in delight, cuddling with me. I started to hear some kind of vibrating sound... I soon realized that it was Amy purring out of happiness. I fell asleep myself.
~ ~ ~
I woke up the next morning, the early sunlight beaming down on my face. Amy was still resting her head on my shoulder. She soon opened her eyes, realizing that she had slept on me during the whole night. Her cheeks turned red with blush. "I remember it all now." Amy replied softly. " Good... so now you know the truth about Shadow." I said, sitting up in her bed. She nodded in response. "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, Sonikku." Amy whimpered, getting out of bed. "It's okay." I told her, grinning. "Well, I've got to get dressed." She replied, giving me a 'get-out-of-here-right-now' look. I smirked, saying "You're point?" A mischievous smile appeared on Amy's face. "My point is for you to leave, sicko." She laughed, pointing to her door. "Alright, alright." I mumbled, exiting the bedroom.
~ ~ ~
"Are you EVER coming out of there?" I asked Amy through the door. "I'm almost done, sheesh!" She replied. "What is it about girls and clothes that takes them so long to get dressed?" I wondered. "I'm ready!" Amy called, sliding open the door. She was wearing a sleeve-less lavender sundress that went down to her knees, a dark purple hairband settled nicely in her pink quills, and light purple flip-flops. I was stunned to see how beautiful she looked. Amy noticed this, and then said "You know, some people consider staring at other people rude!" I sweat-dropped. "N-no, it's not like that! I...... um...... you...... look...... great!" I exclaimed. She rolled her eyes, saying "I swear that you men are all the same!" I chuckled, then sat on the couch. Amy did, too. We were both enjoying the peaceful moment until we heard sudden banging coming from the front door. "OPEN UP, AMY!"

Spell of Love chapter 6

Chapter 6: The plan (Sonic's POV)
Okay, so all I had to do was keep Amy in a secluded place (away from Shadow) until the 'love-stuff' wore off, then I'd need to steal that bottle from Shadow. It sounded pretty hard, but I think that I can do it. It was early in the morning... around 6:00 AM... I knew that Amy was still asleep inside of her house. I checked out the front door, finding out that it was unlocked. I carefully got in, closed the door and locked it. This was going to be difficult... keeping Amy in her house for a couple of days... especially since she currently hates my guts. I looked around her house... she put up so many photos of Shadow.... It was kind of disturbing, knowing that she had all those pictures of him. "That's weird... last time I came into her house, she had all of these pictures of me....." I thought. But then, I saw that her trash can was full of those 'missing photographs'. Suddenly, I heard a door slam. I turned around to see Amy standing there with a horrified expression on her face. "What are you doing in my house?!" She screamed. "Don't panic, Amy. I'm only here to-" "I don't care why you're here! You better get out or I'm calling the cops!" Amy exclaimed. I took a few steps towards her. "Calm down." I said, putting my hand on her shoulder. "GET OFF OF ME!" She squealed, slapping my hand away and running to her cell phone. "I'm sorry, Amy, but I can't let you call anyone." I told her, zooming to the phone and snatching it off of her nightstand. "What do you want from me?" Amy asked. "Cooperation." I answered, putting a hand out. She sighed, taking my hand. "Alright, but you can't tell Shady!" Amy replied. "Shady?" I said. "It's my nice name for Shadow. Don't you think it's so cute???" She explained. "Adorable..."
~ ~ ~
(An hour later)
"I still don't believe you." Amy told me with disbelief. "Come on, Ames! Don't you remember anything?" I asked. "I... I don't know." was all she said. I sighed. "Well then, tell e what you do remember." I said. "Okay... Shadow. I remember how I always followed him, how he saved me when ever I was in trouble. He is my true hero!" Amy exclaimed. My mouth dropped open in shock. "You're confusing Shadow for me, Amy! I was the one who you chased after! I saved you from danger all those times! I was your hero! And I'm the one who loves you!" That last part just slipped out. She stared at me with wide eyes. ".... what?" Amy whispered. "...... I didn't mean to.... um....." I stammered, extremely nervous. ".... l-look, Amy.... I miss you, alright! Even though I treated you so badly by running away, it was only to hide my true feelings for you! After my break-up with Sally, I was afraid to love again! That's why I haven't told you before.... plus, I'm really shy!" I explained, all in one breath. "Sonic......... a strong urge deep inside of me wants to believe you.... but, my love for Shadow is too powerful." Amy said, avoiding eye-contact with me. My heart sank. "That's not you talking! It's that potion, Amy! Shadow has been playing with your emotions and you know, but you're too stubborn to admit the truth!" I exclaimed. Her eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry, Sonic.... I need some time to think!" She sobbed, running into her bedroom and shutting the door.

Spell of Love chapter 5

Chapter 5: Sonic's discovery (Sonic's POV)
It was the next day, and it was about 5:00 PM. I was kind of missing Amy... well, at least her 'stalker-like' attitude. "I probably should of stayed with her.... because the truth is, I lov-" Wait! I'm not in love with Amy! What am I thinking?! But... I can admit that I'm a bit jealous of Shadow. I kept wondering the same question over and over... "What did he do to Amy to make her in love with him?" And I planned to find that out. I went into a meadow and found a good place to sit and think. That's when I started hearing voices. "So... what were you and Sonic talking about yesterday?" I looked around and spotted Amy and Shadow, lying down on the grass, close enough for me to hear them. "Who is Sonic?" She asked, her face going blank. "You know... the moron you were talking to the other day." He answered, slightly irritated. "Oh.... he apologized for running away from me earlier, and said that you did something to me, resulting for me to love you." Amy replied. "Don't listen to Sonic. He secretly likes you, but you need to be faithful to me as your boyfriend and stop hanging around him." Shadow told her. I growled. "Yes, Shady." She said obediently. I watched in horror as Shadow took Amy in his arms and started kissing her. On... the... lips. My heart felt sore, seeing this happen. After a few moments, Amy's eyes widened and she pushed him away. "What's wrong?" Shadow asked. "W-where am I? And why was I just........... kissing you? I want answers right now, Shadow!" Amy shouted at him. He sighed. "Looks like you need another dose." Shadow took out a squirt bottle and started spraying her. "AKKKK!" She shrieked. What was he doing? After the fog cleared up, Amy looked stunned. "Now do you love me, and not that blue faker?" Shadow growled. "Y-yes..... I hate S-sonic..." She stammered. This was unbelievable! What ever was in that squirt bottle, it made Amy fall 'head over heels' for Shadow, and create a dislike for me... I needed to get her back to normal! "I don't ever want to see you with that hedgehog again. And if I do... there will be a punishment for it." Shadow said. "I know, but don't worry. I won't ever get near Sonic." Amy reassured him. "....or else, I'll have to beat you." I barred my teeth, furious that Shadow would even think about being that abusive to MY Amy. "I know." She replied quietly. "That's all I need to hear for now..." I thought, getting up. I needed to come up with some sort of plan, though.....

Spell of Love chapter 4

Chapter 4: Suspicions rise (Sonic's POV)
Amy hasn't been chasing after me for the rest of yesterday or at all today... I hope she's not still mad. I spotted Shadow from a far away distance. "Hey!" I called, zooming up to him. "How's it going, Shadow?" He shrugged. "Okay, I guess. I got a new girlfriend and-" "Hold up!" I interrupted. "YOU have a girlfriend???" I asked. "Yeah. Why is that so surprising?" Shadow answered. "Um...... you never really seemed like the 'boyfriend' material...... Well, who is this girl?" I said, chasing the subject quickly. "Wait up!!!" I suddenly heard a voice shriek. "Oh no.... It's Amy!!!" I thought, getting prepared to run away. But... She didn't tackle me. I looked around to see Amy cuddling with Shadow. "Shady! I'm so glad I found you!" She exclaimed, nuzzling him. "Sonic..." Shadow said. "Meet my new girlfriend." That word almost knocked me over. "Amy's your new.... g-girlfriend?" I whimpered. "Yes. We really like each other. Isn't that right... Amy?" He replied. "Yes! Yes! I love you, Shadow!" She shrieked. Those words were stuck in my head. "I love you, Shadow!" The first three words... I thought Amy would only say them to me. "Uh... may I speak with you for a minute?" I asked Amy, pulling her away from Shadow. When we got out of earshot, I whispered "What's going on with you two? When did you become... a couple?!" "We had dinner last night. That's when I realized that Shadow was so incredible!" She answered. "Look, Ames... I'm sorry about... before... when I ran away from you." I said in a hushed tone. Amy suddenly looked confused. "What are you talking about?" She asked, folding her arms. "You know... All of those times that you chased after me and I rejected you." I explained. Why was she acting so... brain-less? Amy started laughing. "Me go after YOU? Yeah right! I never loved you, only Shadow!" She said. I gasped, knowing that Amy wasn't faking. "Did he do something to you? If he did, I'm sure we can reverse it!" I told Amy, taking her hand. She pulled away. "Shadow would never do anything to me! Our relationship doesn't require you, creep!" Amy shouted, running back into Shadow's arms. I just stood there, too shocked to move. Amy has moved on....

Spell of Love chapter 3

Chapter 3: Love potion? (Shadow's POV)
"How much is it?" I asked. "Hmm... depends on how much you're willing to pay." Jet said. "If I give you $95 for the love potion, will it be guaranteed to work on anybody?" He nodded. "But be careful, because this stuff only lasts a few days before you need to spray that person again." Jet warned, handing me the potion. I handed him a bunch of dollar bills. "Glad to make a deal with you, Shadow." Jet replied.
~ ~ ~ (Amy's POV)
I was a little eager to go on my date with Shadow. I was trying to find something to wear, searching through my whole closet. I need to wear something nice, but not too fancy, and it was more of Shadow's type. I spotted a pair of black high-heels and a black and white dress. "This will do it." I thought.
~ ~ ~
"I'm all ready, Shadow." I told him over the phone. "Excellent. I'll pick you up in 15 minutes so we can go to the restaurant." He answered.
~ ~ ~
"Reservations for Shadow the hedgehog and Amy Rose." Shadow told the lady up front. "Ah, here you are. Please follow the waiter to your table." She said. The waiter came up to us. "Hello, and welcome. My name is John, and I will be serving you this fine evening." He said, walking over to an empty table. We followed him. "Shadow pushed out a chair for me. "Thanks." I said, while he sat down himself. "Would you like anything to drink?" John asked us. "I'll have a Dr. Pepper." Shadow answered, scanning the menu. "I'll have a water, please." I replied softly. "Okay." The waiter walked away. "Shadow... thank you for setting this up." I told him. "It isn't a big deal..." He said to me. We sat in silence for a few moments. "Why are you doing all of this?" I finally asked. "Because unlike Sonic, I care about you." Shadow admitted. I frowned. "So this IS a romance date! I'm not comfortable with this, Shadow." I packed up my things, then exited the restaurant.
~ ~ ~ (Shadow's POV)
The waiter came back with two glasses. "Uh..." He started. "We'll be right back." I reassured him, running out the door. "Amy, please..." I said, catching up with her. "Shadow, I told you very clearly that I didn't.... you know, want to be 'in love' with you!" She shouted, turning to leave. "Wait!" I exclaimed, getting something out. "What is it?" Amy asked, turning back around to face me. "I got you some perfume." I said, pulling out the bottle. "Oh..... um, thanks..." She answered. "You're welcome." I covered my mouth and nose with my left hand as I started spraying her with the potion. "HEY!" Amy shouted, then started to cough. "I think that's enough..." I decided, then stopped spraying. She blinked a couple of times before looking at me. "Oh Shadow... I've never really noticed how handsome you look!" Amy exclaimed. I put my arm on her shoulder. "So... let's go have dinner."

Spell of Love chapter 2

Chapter 2: Confessions and a date (Shadow's POV)
"Oh..." I saw Amy's cheeks get a little red. She looked at the ground, though. "I... I'm sorry, Shadow. But.... my heart belongs to Sonic, not you." Amy said. "Why do you love him? He clearly doesn't love you back!" I exclaimed. "That's not true! There has to be a good reason for why Sonic always runs away from me." She replied. "Tell me 3 reasons why you like him." I demanded. "Well.... Sonic's my hero, first of all. And... good looking. But most importantly, I feel safe and protected when I'm around him." Amy answered. "..... Do you really want to waste your time going after someone like Sonic?" I asked, looking into her eyes. She was quiet for a while. Then Amy exclaimed "Of course I do! I love Sonic with all of my heart, no doubt about it! And I know that one day, he'll learn to accept it, and tell me that he loves me back!" "Fine, if that's what you want." I said. I needed to come up with a way to attract her attention... "Amy... I have a question for you." I told her. "Yes?" She said. "Will you.... go out on a date with me? It won't be romantic or anything.... just a friendly one." Amy grinned. "Sure, I'd love to!" She replied in a happy tone. "Okay...." I responded, turning away. "This is gonna get interesting..." I thought as I walked away in the other direction.


Yes, I actually started this story a few days ago, so that's why I'm writing chapter 9 right now. It gets really..... uh...... dramatic, I might say.

It's my first SonAmy vs ShadAmy.

And knowing my type of writing, you'd know which side is going to win. :giggle:

I'm at this really awkward moment in the story, and I have a choice to make it really sweet or really funny (let's just say, it's gonna be either SonAmy or Sonadow...... I can make it really funny by using Sonadow! :D)

Anyways, here's chapter 1!!!!!!!!

Spell of Love Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Comparison (Shadow's POV)
Everyone I ever truly liked was gone. Molly, Maria.... It just wasn't fair. I haven't done anything to deserve the things I've gotten. Wasn't there someone... anyone.... who could live for a long enough time, and could still love me back? "I'm gonna get you, Sonikku!" I watched from a close distance as Amy Rose was chasing after Sonic the hedgehog. "Get away from me, Amy!" He said, running at a faster speed. "Please!!! Slow down!" She pleaded, but soon, Sonic had already escaped. "BAKA!!!" Amy shouted at him. (A/N: 'Baka' means 'idiot', just in case you don't know your Japanese!) She fell to her knees and started to cry. "That punk Sonic always has Amy running after him, but he never takes the time to appreciate her. How can she still love Sonic after every time he leaves her in the dust?" I wondered, approaching Amy. I held out my hand. "Would you like some help?" I offered. She looked up at me with a tiny smile. Amy took my hand and stood up. "Thank you, Shadow." She replied. "It's just that... I always try to get Sonic's attention. That's why I chase after him. And.... he always leaves me heart broken." Amy explained, still looking disappointed. She threw her arms around me, in attempt to get comfort. "I think that it's time to go after someone who actually likes you back." I said. Amy let go of me. "Like who?" She asked, giving me a puzzled look. "Like me."

Fan fictions:

Sonic Hearts: LINK!
Sonic Unleashed: LINK!

Warriors and.... Sonic?

I know this story isn't finished, but I thought it was really good.

Click HERE to find out about what would happen if Sonic and Warriors mixed!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The human transformation ch 15:

Chapter 15: Is this the end? (Sonic's POV)
"What's going on?" Knuckles asked as he came in, followed by Rouge and Shadow. "We're waiting on Amy and trying to find the cure to her poisoning." Cream answered, not making eye contact with anyone. Tails was reading a book titled "7 good ways to cure poisoning". "Is there anything we can do to help?" Rouge asked. "Uh... sure. Once of you can go on Google and see if you can find any useful information." Tails replied, pointing to his laptop on the desk. "Okay..." Knuckles opened up laptop. Rouge sat next to him on the floor. Shadow was just leaning against the wall, acting all 'tough'. But I knew that deep inside of him, he was feeling just as awful as me. Shadow isn't in 'love' with Amy, but I happened to know he cares for her a lot. Tails suddenly jumped up from him chair. "I think I just found the cure to the type of poison we're looking for!" He exclaimed, staring at a page in his book. We all gathered around him. "Well, then... what is it???" Knuckles questioned. "In order for the victim to regain life," Tails read. "The victim must have lip-to-lip contact with the opposite gender to reverse the negative process that the poison created." Everyone turned to me. I sweat-dropped. "What?" I said. " You need to kiss Amy, Mr. Sonic!" Cream exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips. "... and if I don't?" I said. Shadow smirked. "Then I guess I'LL have to kiss her." He replied, turning the other way. "...w-wait! I'll do it." I really didn't want to watch my rival make out with the love of my life. That would just be... wrong. I approached Amy, who was just unconscious on the sofa. I sighed, then sweat-dropped again. "What are you waiting for? Just kiss her already!" Rouge snapped. "Fine!" I knelt down on the floor, getting closer and closer to Amy. I closed my eyes, unable to watch. I felt my mouth touch hers. I put some force into it, hoping that it would be good enough to work as a cure. Gradually, Amy's eyes opened, revealing her jade pupils. She seemed happy... that is, until she suddenly came back to reality. Amy sweat-dropped, so I got away nervously. "Uh........... what just happened?" She asked. "Ummmm........" I felt my face get hot. I glanced at my friends. They were all smiling. "You guys would make a terrific couple!" Cream said happily. Everyone else nodded. "... it was the only way to..... s-save her." I stammered. I saw Amy blush a little. "Nice excuse, Sonic." Rouge said, taking Knuckles' hand. Tails and Cream stood next to each other, grinning. Even Shadow seemed a bit content. "Just tell the girl what she wants to hear, faker." He said quietly, passing by me. "Yeah.... it is time." I decided. "Amy... I..... really like you.... um.... but not in the 'friend' kind of way....... in the 'l-love' kind of way." I said, slowly. She giggled. "I knew it all along!" Amy exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me.


Shades of Scarlet Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Experiments (Tails' POV)
*The next morning* "Okay, so we just hook that up to there," I started, messing with some wires. "....and, there! Now that Sonic is connected with the machine, we can record his health and see what's going on with his mind." I explained, turning on the monitor. It measured Sonic's heart beat and the rate at which his mind was flowing. We were pretty lucky that he was still unconscious until now. "I'm gonna work on something in the other room. Both of you can stay on guard duty to make sure that Sonic doesn't get away." I said, but then I noticed that Knuckles was sleeping and Rouge wasn't really paying attention. "Oi..." I thought, exiting the room.
~ ~ ~ (Amy's POV)
"What would be a good distraction?" I thought. "Wait... that's it!" The room containing Sonic was pretty large, so it took me a little while to go over to Knuckles. He was asleep in a fold-up chair. Rouge sat in the chair next to him, looking away. I slapped Knuckles in the face. That sure woke him up. "HEY! What did you do that for?!" He shouted at Rouge. She turned around. "What is it now?" Rouge asked impatiently. "Don't play dumb! You just hit me in the face! Besides unconscious Sonic over there, you're the only other person in the room!" Knuckles exclaimed. "So you're accusing me of doing that, even though I didn't?!" She said, getting a little angry. "Heck yeah!" While they got focused on their argument, I snuck over to where Sonic laid.
~ ~ ~ (Sonic's POV)
I woke up to hear bickering coming from Knuckles and Rouge. I saw Amy walk up to me. "Wha-" "Shhh!!! I'm hear to get you out!" She said, untying me. Amy grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door. "Hey! How did you get out?" Rouge exclaimed, looking at me. "Amy freed me!" I answered. "... and I'll prove that she's real!!!" I turned to Amy. "Go do something to show them that you're really here." She nodded, smirking, went over to where Knuckles was standing and pushed him over. "... w-what was that?!"He asked, getting back up. "It was Amy! I keep trying to tell you... she's a ghost, and only I can hear/see her!" I explained. Knuckles and Rouge looked at each other. "Maybe you have a point there, Sonic..." Knuckles said.

The human transformation ch 14:

Chapter 14: There's no time to waste! (Sonic's POV)
Her front door was unlocked. That wasn't a good sign. I opened the door, calling out "Amy? Are you here?" No response. I checked the kitchen. Nothing. I searched the living room. Nope. I knocked on her bedroom door. Still no answer. I placed my hand on the doorknob, trying to open it up. Locked. "Amy, please open the door." "S-sonic..." I heard a weak voice say. "Hold on!" I shouted, busting down the door. Luckily, she was at the other side of the room, so she didn't get crushed. Her skin had a ghostly white tint to it. "Are you okay?" I asked, coming to her side. I noticed that Amy was a hedgehog, again. She started coughing. "What's wrong???" I said, trying to get her to stand up. But nothing happened. Suddenly, Amy stopped making noise. Even breathing... "Amy?.... Amy.... Amy!" I exclaimed. She released her grip on something in her hand. I studied it carefully. "I think that it's the antidote!" I thought. Something must of went wrong... I put my hand on Amy's forehead. Her body heat was gradually getting colder. I scooped her up in my arms, running full speed out of the house in attempt to find some help.
~ ~ ~ (Tails' POV)
The bright light of morning woke me up from my deep sleep. I yawned, now realizing that I had fallen asleep at my desk. I also noticed that one of my windows were slightly open. "How did that happen? I don't remember cracking open a window last night..." I wondered, closing it all the way. I heard the door open. "Hi, Tails! Are you excited about our date tonight?" It was Cream. She wore her regular orange dress and plain shoes. "Uh.... y-yeah, I am..." I had forgotten all about our date! I suddenly heard knocking at the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's... S-sonic." "Okay, come in." The front door opened, revealing Sonic carrying Amy. Before I could ask any questions, he exclaimed "Please, help! There's something wrong with her!" "Just place her anywhere in the workshop." I instructed. Sonic came in, looking for a good resting place. "Oh my!" Cream said when she saw the pale Amy. He set her down on an old leather sofa in the back of my workshop. "Amy drank this." Sonic said gravely, handing me what was left of the antidote. My eyes widened. "How did you get this? ... Where did you find it???" I asked. "She was holding it in her hand when I found her lying on the floor." He explained, glancing back at Amy. "This was stolen from my workshop a couple of days ago..." I said under my breath, trying to make out the unfamiliar substance that lingered in the test tube along with a small dose of my antidote. I gasped when I recognized the fluid. "Amy has been... poisoned!"

Nintendo 3DS!!!

New!!! And I decided that I'm not gonna buy a DSI, I'm gonna get a Nintendo 3DS.

What is a Nintendo 3DS? I'll go ahead and tell you!!!

Behold, 2011 technology that Nintendo came up with!

It has the regular features of a normal DS, except....

IT'S IN 3-D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know what you're thinking, "That sounds pretty cool but I HATE wearing 3-D glasses!"

Let me save you the trouble by saying

"You don't even need 3-D glasses!!!"

I'm DEAD serious. This topic was discussed at the Nintendo Press conference, so I know what I'm talking about. There will be BRAND NEW games to match the coolness!







And many more!

Unfortunately, I need to wait until 2011 to buy it.

It will be worth the wait!!!

..... ak, this is creepy.

It was about 3:00 A.M.

I heard some talking in the living room, so I got up from bed. My mom was asleep on the chair, and she had on a murder mystery show called "48 hours mystery".

I listened to (only a little bit) the story.

Woman: It was about 3:00 AM, and I heard something coming from the back yard. It was some kind of... spring noise. It went up and down and up and down. My husband heard it too, so when he looked out the window, he said "Oh my gosh...." I looked out too, seeing that Diana was jumping on the kids trampoline, laughing hysterically.

(Commercial brake)

Ug.............. creepy.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Megarica is "Hedgehog" In Japanese.

The human transformation ch 13:

Chapter 13: Will their scheme work? (Scourge's POV)
It was 8:00 AM the next day. I searched for Sonic in her house the night before, but he wasn't in there. I spied on Amy through her bed room window to make sure that she was still asleep. Beep, beep! Her alarm clock went off. I could hear Amy groan, then press her hand down on the top of her clock. I saw her get up from the bed, heading for her kitchen. Going to the front door of her house, I placed the stuff on the floor. I rang the doorbell, then found a great hiding place. Amy opened the door. I saw that she was wearing her regular red sundress, boots and hair band. She looked down, seeing that there was something for her. Amy leaned over, picking up both of the items. It appeared as though she was reading the note. She looked carefully at the antidote. "Yes!" Amy exclaimed, walking back inside. I spied on where she was going through one of her many windows. "The bed room!" I thought, slightly opening the front door. I silently came into Amy's house.
~ ~ ~ (Amy's POV)
Perfect! Tails already finished the antidote! I pulled off the cap, placing it on my dresser. I pressed the tube against my mouth, gulping down the antidote. The next thing I saw was a flash of glimmering light. I covered my eyes. I felt my body change. When it was over, I took my hands off my eyes. I ran over to the mirror. I'm back to normal! But wait... something didn't feel right. I put my hand on my chest, feeling that my heart beat was getting slower... and slower... My hands started shaking. I started to cough like I was choking on something. My body hit the floor. I felt sleepy all of a sudden. My eyelids dropped.
~ ~ ~ (Scourge's POV)
I opened the door to Amy's bedroom. "It worked!" I said, walking in through the doorway. When... "Amy! Are you still asleep? It's me, Sonic." A voice called out. Aw man! That blue idiot is back! He'll ruin everything! I needed to escape, and fast. I raced out of the bed room (locking the door), hearing the front doorknob twist. I spotted a back door to my left. "There was another exit this whole time?!" I thought furiously, jamming it open. I sped out the back door, making a successful escape.


Omg, just look at him!

Jason Griffith.................. HIS NAME SOUNDS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He looks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!

Maybe we could get married........................... XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The shining Road

lol I can sing this song! Even though it's in Japanese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, you wanna know what's really dumb?!:
In Japanese, Sonic never says any thing, but mouths the words "I love you Amy Rose."
In French, Sonic does say the words "I love you" to Amy.
And in the crappy English version, Amy tells him to never leave her again. He simply replies "Don't you worry, Amy. I never will."
It always make me mad.... even though it's still really sweet in all of the versions :)

The human transformation ch 12:

Chapter 12: Successful pick-up (Sonic's POV)
"Amy!" I untied her from the rope. "Are you alright?" I asked. "Yeah... it's just I think something strange is going on. Why would Eggman decide to release me?" She answered. "I'm not sure. We might get attacked on our way back to your house, so stay on guard." I warned. Amy nodded, and then walked with me out of Twinkle Park.
~ ~ ~ (Scourge's POV)
"Are you positive that this potion will work?" I questioned Eggman after her poured some chemicals into the formula. "Yes... but there is a cure, I'm afraid. Amy will need to have lip-to-lip contact with a male species for her to stay alive." He admitted, putting a small cap on the poisoned antidote. I laughed a tiny bit, saying "That's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard of! If a guy kisses her on the lips, then she'll 'magically' come back to life???" "That's correct, hedgehog. But you will have to snatch the antidote from Amy after she drinks it, or else fox boy will get ideas, study the antidote and find the cure." Eggman told me. "Fine, but I want to get payed extra for this!" I mumbled, grabbing the antidote from him.
~ ~ ~ *At Tails' workshop*
I looked through the window. Tails was asleep, resting his head on the desk. Carefully, I slid open the window, just enough to get my arm through. I placed the antidote in front of him. But suddenly, a bad thought entered my mind. "If he sees the antidote just sitting on his desk after it's been missing, Tails could try to find the poison that's in it!" I took it back out. I needed to think of a way to give Amy the antidote. I spotted a notepad and pencil sitting right on top of Tails' desk. "That's it!" I thought, putting my hand back through the window and getting the supplies out. I could write a note from Tails to Amy saying that it was okay to drink the formula. I am such a genius! (Creepy... that's something that Eggman would say...)

The human transformation ch 11:

Chapter 11: The message (Sonic's POV)
"I think that Eggman is up to no good!" Knuckles exclaimed, being the first to rush out the door of Tails' workshop. The rest of us followed out behind him.
~ ~ ~
"Oh great. Just what we need right now... a huge robot." Rouge mumbled, crossing her arms. "Just one robot?" Cream said. "Ha, piece of cake!" I laughed, putting on my trademark grin. Knuckles, Tails and I got into a fighting position. "Here, Sonic!" Tails called, throwing me a gold ring (Yes, like the kind used in Sonic X). "Got it!" I caught the ring in the palm of my hand. I spun into a ball, going right through the core of the robot. It still stayed up right, though. "It's not falling over!" Cream exclaimed in a worried tone. "Try to knock it down!" Rouge told Knuckles. "Good idea." His fists ripped through the legs of the robot, getting it off balanced. With one more punch, it finally toppled over. I landed near the group. "Guess it was no match for us." I said, sounding a little cocky. Suddenly, a hologram appeared before us. It was some kind of message from Eggman. "Hello, my little blue nemesis." He said. "It is true that I have your pink girlfriend in my possession, but I have been feeling very generous lately. So... she will be located in the center of Twinkle Park. This is a very rare offer, so I'd suggest that you will accept it." Eggman explained. "I guess that I'll go check it out." I said. "P.S. This message will self-destruct in 10... 9... 8-" "RUN!" Knuckles shouted, taking cover with the rest of us. "3...2...1..." BAM! The hologram message imploded. "Gee, what a thoughtful gift." Rouge replied, coming out from behind a tree. The rest of us came out, also. "Sounds a bit suspicious, Sonic. Are you sure that you want to go? Do you require any back up?" Tails asked me. "I know that it might be risky, but it's my fault that Amy got kidnapped in the first place. It's the least I could do." I said, making my way over to Twinkle Park.
~ ~ ~ (Amy's POV)
"So... that's it? You're just letting me go?" I asked. "Yup... unless you have a problem with that." Scourge said, letting me down on the soft green grass. "N-no! It's fine... but... I have a feeling that you two have something diabolical in store..." An evil-like grin was plastered to his face. "I guess you'll just have to wait and see..." Scourge replied, making a run for it.

The human transformation ch 10:

Chapter 10:
Where do you think she is? (Sonic's POV)
"She was kidnapped by Scourge! He was trying to hurt her earlier." I said, pacing around the workshop. "Alright. Do you have any idea where Scourge might of taken Amy?" Tails asked. I thought for a moment. "He did says that he was working for Eggman." I replied. ".... so then all we have to do is find Dr. Eggman!" Cream exclaimed. "Yeah, but it's not that simple. We don't even know where he's hiding." Knuckles told the group. "Maybe we can-" Rouge was interrupted when the ground started shaking.
~ ~ ~ (Amy's POV)
"Here you are." Eggman tossed a bag of gold to Scourge. "....and if you want more of that, you're gonna keep working for me." He added. "What the heck do you need me for???" I snapped, trying to get the door of my metal cage open. "There's an obvious answer to that question.... to irritate Sonic! And... I see that you look different." Eggman said, glancing at me. "Yeah, glad you noticed!" I responded sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "Speaking of that... can I have a word with you?" Scourge asked Dr. Eggman. "Fine, but make it snappy!" With that, I was left alone in the dark sole-less room.
~ ~ ~ (Scourge's POV)
"Look what I got!" I said, showing Eggman the formula. "And this is useful because???" He replied. "...Because this is the stuff that turns Amy back into a hedgehog again... what we could do is put some kind of poison into it, I'll give it back, she'll drink it and then die." I explained. Eggman rubbed his chin. "Ah.... that great idea might give you a raise in your pay." He said, grinning evilly. I smirked at the thought.

Friday, June 25, 2010


(Note: This is a REAL story!)

Okay, so it's about 3:00 AM and I can't go to sleep.

My eyelids flutter a little bit. I close my eyes, and think about going to sleep, When...


Someone had just parked their car outside. I tried to think "Did my dad ever come home???"

Then, I heard a loud thumping noise.

My heart pounded loudly against my chest.

I started to worry...... would this person be coming into MY house?

I heard the front door screech.

"That's it!" I thought, as I proceeded to my window.

I looked out the blinds. My mom's car and dad's car were both there.... same as always. Something caught my eye, though.... a bright red light flickering on and off in my dad's car.

I got up from my room to see that the living room lights were on.

I turned them off when I went to bed............................

The end.... or is it?

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I was so scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's called "The Spinball Whizzer".

Claimed to be a FAST roller coaster ride!


How I am doing:

Pretty crappy, but at least our family got through June 23rd without crying.
You know what sucks?
That my cousin Kyle died on Sonic the hedgehog's birthday.
How is that FAIR?

Okay, I charged my cellphone and looked at the old junk I have left on it.
It tried singing the song "Monster" By Meg and Dia on my phone so many times.... I had a spaz attack when I was singing once! lol.....
I also looked at the old voice recordings I had.... they were all really funny with me and my friend laughing a lot!

I got back from my cousin's house (like I said before) and I experienced.... many new things....

Life is full of mysteries...... like when my front door was unlocked when I came home. Who knows how it got open?
Who knows how the lights automatically turned on when I got home?
Who is to say that somebody came into my house while I was gone?
I will know very soon....

My brother STOLE my cellphone and wen through my personal stuff (Grrrrrrr!)

I've been writing so much... my hand hurts!!! I have filled up journals and diaries just during this summer break!

I'm excited for the new Sonic game called "Sonic Colors" That's coming out soon! :D

Been chating with those famous people! ^^

Hmm......... what else? Sleepover... yeah, and I was talking with my mom earlier and she was possibly considering that me and my BFF Hannah could go see the thrilling movie, "The last airbender" together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since we have been Avatar fans for quite some time, the movie will (hopefully) be really awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I hope to see some Katara/Aang in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uh.................. I will possibly go to my trip to Universal in a few weeks...... according to my dad. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and thanks for the brand new follower! (who thinks that this is a SonAmy blog... -_-)

Toy story 3 quotes


Buzz: What a nice bear...
Rex: ...And he smells like strawberries! :D

Woody: Are you gonna be okay?
Jessie: Yeah.... especially since I know about Buzz's Spanish mode!
Buzz: My what?

Buzz Lightyear: Hold on, this is no time to be hysterical!
Hamm the Piggy Bank: This is the perfect time to be hysterical.
Rex the Green Dinosaur: Should we be HYSTERICAL?
Slinky Dog: No!
Mr. Potato Head: Yes!
Buzz Lightyear: Maybe! But not right now!
Hamm the Piggy Bank: C'mon. Let's go see how much we're going for on eBay.
Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear: Ken? New toys!
Ken: Far out! Down in a jiff, Lotso.
[goes down the elevator]
Ken: So, who's ready for Ken's dream tour?
Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear: Let's show our new friends where they'll be staying!
Ken: Uh, folks, if you'll just want to step right this way...
[he sees Barbie]
Ken: Hi, I'm Ken.
Barbie: Barbie. Have we ever met?
Ken: I would have remembered.
[she laughs]
Ken: Love your leg wamers!
Barbie: Nice ascot!
Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear: Come on, Ken, recess don't last forever.
[The toys watch Molly toss Barbie in the box to be donated to Sunnyside.]
Jessie: Poor Barbie.
Hamm: I get the Corvette
[Peatey, Peatrice, and Peanelope pop out of Mr. Potato Head's rear hatch.]
Mr. Potato Head: I told you kids: stay outta my butt!
Ken: No one around here appreciates clothes
I just loved this movie a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you

Thank you *the following list of people*:

-William for being really nice to me
-NightFlash7 for being a really nice friend
-Stacey for saying my writing stories were awesome (^^)
-Jasmine for telling me that she cried when reading one of my stories and said also it was extremely awesome (^^)
-Baily for saying that she couldn't wait for the next fanfiction to be out cause she loved the first one
-Chessie for being a really awesome person :D
-Hannah because you let me sleep over 2 nights ^^!
-Victoria for saying that I'll be in her prayers when I said my cousin died two years ago from June 23rd

Thanks so much

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm back!

I'm back from my cousin's house!

It was so fun, sitting on the floor for 2 hours straight (I'm being sarcastic)

We got to talk about some.................................................... interesting...... topics.......

I want one of my Sonic brownies now..............

Later! -_-


Leaving right now.

Wish me luck!


Photos of sonic characters that I name people after:

lol and this is why I name my friends after Sonic characters! :D

Vanilla=Vanilla (lol)
My brother= Knuckles
Me=Amy Rose (No shocker there)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Shades of Scarlet Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Sonic has gone INSANE (Sonic's POV)
"GUYS?! I didn't know that you were here!" I exclaimed, letting go of Amy. "What were you just doing?" Tails asked me. "Can't you see Amy? I was... you know.......kissing her!" I said, pointing at Amy. "....about that....they really can't see or hear me." She admitted, looking down at the floor. "WHAT?! You couldn't have told me that earlier?!" I yelled. Tails, Knuckles and Rouge exchanged puzzled looks. "Uh... we're getting a little worried about you..." Knuckles said. "Maybe you should come with us, and we'll help you 'fix' your issues..." Rouge suggested. "I don't have any 'issues'! I'm perfectly fine! Come on, Amy." I mumbled, taking Amy's hand and walking away. "We didn't want to have to do it this way but... now, Shadow!" Rouge exclaimed. "With pleasure." "OW!" I shouted when Shadow hit me in the head. I fell over. "Sonic!" I heard Amy shriek, but after that, everything went black.
~ ~ ~ (Tails' POV)
Well, we had to do SOMETHING to calm him down! Knuckles carried him to the X-Tornado and put him in one of the seats. Everyone got in, except for Shadow. "Aren't you coming?" I asked him. "Nah, I gotta go post this video on YouTube. Later." Shadow replied, dashing away.
~ ~ ~ (Amy's POV)
I couldn't let them take Sonic away! I had to do something, fast... I followed them to the X-Tornado, then climbed in one of the extra seats myself. I had to prove that Sonic wasn't imagining me.

I just talked with my mom....

This JUST happened a minute ago:

Mom: So how are you doing?
Me: Fine... I guess. I got terrible sleep last night....
Mom: Why?
Me: I dunno.... anticipation.
Mom: For what?
Me: ....................................................
Mom: Come on, just tell me.
Me: If I told you, you would say I'm obsessive.
Mom: You already ARE obsessive and you know that. So just say it.
Me: ............
Mom: Does it have anything to do with Sonic?
Me: ... yes.
Mom: -_-
Me: Today's his 19 birthday.
Mom: ........... Did someone make a cake for him?
Me: It's possible.
Mom: You do realize that he's not real, unlike a boy that you could fall in love with.
Mom: I'm not.... I'm using another form of it.
Me: .............
Mom: Okay, let's say that there was this person who liked Hello Kitty, and today was Hello kitty's birthday. Wouldn't you think that person was....... weird?
Me: But this is completely different! Hello Kitty is for lonely little girls!
Mom: *laughs* As oppose to a hedgehog???
Me: I'm leaving *walks out of room*

Moms can be so STUBBORN!

Tom Warburton

Guess what?

I got to talk to ANOTHER famous person named Tom Warburton, who also has his own blog on here.

Click HERE to find out more about Mr. Warburton!

Happy Birthday, Olgilve Maurice Hedgehog!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SONIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, today is VERY important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's Sonic's 19TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! Well.............. sort of...............

Anyways, I made brownies yesterday to celebrate!

I was so excited, I fell asleep at 3:00 and woke up at 6:00 (Ummmm then I went back to sleep... but it's the thought that counts)

An here's my birthday present for him:

(Written in Sonic's POV)

I came through the front door of my house. It was suspiciously dark... I turned on the light switch. "SURPRISE!!!!!!!" My friends shouted, jumping out from behind my furniture. "Whoa! You guys really know how to surprise someone!" I exclaimed. "Uh......sorry for that... we just want you to have an awesome birthday, that's all." Tails said. Everyone else nodded in agreement. "Alright," I started. "Then let the party begin."

The first place I went was the food table. I saw the cooler containing cans of soda and bottles of water. I looked over the food... chips; dip; carrots (?); some assorted fruit and my vanilla (not Cream's mom) birthday cake covered with white icing and cursive blue writing on the top: "Happy Birthday Sonic!" "But where are the..." I got lost in my own thoughts as I spotted Amy carrying out a big plate, with a batch of chili dogs on top. "Bingo!" I rushed over to her with anticipation. "Can I have some, Amy?" I asked. "Sure... just as long as you leave a few for the other guests." She said. "No promises..." I mumbled, walking away with the plate.
As people were walking out the door, Amy, Tails and Knuckles were helping clean up. "Bye!" I closed the front door. "Thanks, guys." I said to the remaining three. "Hey, don't look at me and Tails. Amy was the one who prepared all of this." Knuckles told me. "Really?" I said, with a hint of shock in my voice. "Of course I did. Oh.... I forgot to show you your birthday present... I accidentally left it in the kitchen." Amy explained, walking out of the room. "Okay..." I said, following her. She whispered something to Knuckles that made him grin evilly, but she eventually made her way through the doors of my kitchen. As I entered in after her, the doors slammed shut. I sweat dropped. "Uh.... why is the door closed?" I asked, a little uncomfortable. "I only want to give you your present." Amy said. She took a few steps closer to me. "Kiss me." "Kiss YOU? Ha! Only if you can catch me!" I laughed, running to the door. I tried to open it. The door knob wouldn't budge. "Oh god it's locked!" I thought, jolting to the window. Sliding open the curtains, I saw that the window was locked, too. "Now, if I catch you, you will let me kiss you? Sounds like a good deal to me!" Amy exclaimed. Sweat ran down my face. "AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" I screamed, going back to the doors. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU TWO FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted, pounding my fists against the door. She put her arms around me, dragging me away from the exit. "Looks like I win!" Amy said with sparkling eyes. "Fine..." I mumbled. "So, what's it gonna be? Lips or cheek?" She asked. "Cheek..." I sighed. "Alright." She quickly pecked me on the cheek. I blushed a little bit. "That wasn't too bad." I admitted. Amy grinned, replying "Next year, I'm not gonna give you a choice, though!"

The end!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Shades of Scarlet Chapter 5

Chapter 5: She doesn't even exist! (Sonic's POV)
"So, what have you been up to?" I asked her, putting my hands behind my head. "Nothing really... it's kind of irritating being dead, you know. You can't eat, can't sleep... stuff like that. What about you?" Amy told me. "My friends thought that I was insane when I told them that I was going out with you... and that you were a ghost." I answered. A small grin appeared on her face, and she simply stated " Sounds like them, alright." We continued to walk for a while. "Do you believe I'm real?" Amy finally asked me. "Well...um.... kinda........ sort of....." I stammered, not exactly sure of the answer myself. "Well, maybe this will change your mind." She paused, so I did too. Amy put her arms around my neck and leaned in. "...... hey, why not?" I thought, leaning forward, also. Our lips met in a passionate kiss. I put my arms around her waist. It was one of the best moments of my life. Until...... "SONIC!"
~ ~ ~ (Tails' POV)
We had spied on Sonic while he was having a conversation with 'Amy'. "This is getting weird!" Knuckles whispered to Rouge. " But it will be great for YouTube." Shadow laughed, holding a video camera. "When we first started... I brought it along with my other things." He explained, pointing to a small backpack. "Put that away, Shadow!" Rouge exclaimed. "Wait! He's doing something!" Shadow said, still recording. I looked out from behind a dead tree to see Sonic, holding out his arms like he was hugging someone, and puckering out his lips. Shadow burst out laughing. "This is 5 star material!" He said, zooming in on Sonic. "Okay... now it's getting a little out of hand." Knuckles told us, coming out from behind a tree. "Yeah." Rouge agreed, walking after him. "And now, lets have a little interview with the idiot himself!" Shadow told the video camera. We both followed Knuckles and Rouge. "SONIC!" Everyone (except for Shadow) yelled.

Shades of Scarlet Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Date with the dead! (Sonic's POV)
This was nerve-wracking! I walked carefully along the dim path leading to the grave yard. I also wondered if Amy would show up or not... The black-metal gate doors were wide open. I stepped indie, still keeping on guard. It was super creepy..... especially at midnight. The moon light was the only way I could see. Why would Amy schedule a date this late at night? The misty air was freezing... I should of worn a jacket or something.... All of the trees were dead... it gave me an empty feeling inside. Suddenly, I started to hear whispers... "She's coming! She's coming! She's coming!" This freaked me out. I continued walking, only at a faster pace... that is, until I stopped. One of the graves was glowing... "Amy Rose..." I quivered, taking a few steps back. Something... or someone... rose out of the grave, and it seemed to take on a more realistic form. "I'm really glad you came!" Amy looked like her normal self, except she was wearing a worn-out scarlet red dress that covered up her feet. (A/N: Now do you get the story name?) "AAAAHHH!!!" I screamed, getting ready to run away. Amy appeared right before me, saying "Sonic the hedgehog! That's no way to treat me after I've just died!" I felt woozy... like I was about to pass out, but she grabbed me and started hugging. "I've missed you so much!" Amy cried, squeezing even harder. "AK! Let.... go.... Ames!" I choked. And so, she did, but she was still in tears. "I'm sorry..... it's just that..... I' have been so lonely.... and....... and-" I put a finger over her mouth. "Don't worry about it." I told her. Amy wiped away the tears, then looked up at me. "So let's go on that walk!"
~ ~ ~ (Tails POV)
Shadow had called us all over the phone, saying that it would be a good idea if we stalked Sonic and 'Amy' on their date, to see if she was really alive or a ghost. We all agreed, but Cream's bedtime is 10:00 (Remember that she's just 6), so Rouge filled her spot. It was just the four of us... Me, Knuckles, Rouge and Shadow.
~ ~ ~
"Is he talking to someone?'' We were hiding behind separate trees, trying to watch Sonic and listen to what he was saying. "SHHH! I can hear him!" Knuckles whispered. We all became quiet. "AAAAHHH!!!" I heard Sonic scream. "What's happening???" I asked. "He's just... standing there..." Rouge reported, watching the scene. "AK! Let....go....Ames!" It was Sonic again. We peeked our heads out to see him looking breathless. "Where's Amy?" Shadow replied, searching for her. "So I was right! She is just an illusion!" Knuckles exclaimed quietly. "Shut up, Knuckles. I'm trying to hear!" Rouge snapped at him. Sonic suddenly put his right index finger in the air, but not too high. "Don't worry about it." He said. "Sonic isn't talking to anyone!" I said. "Yeah, we didn't notice that!" Knuckles said sarcastically. Sonic started to walk away. "He's leaving! Let's follow him!" Shadow whispered, walking behind the trees with Rouge, Knuckles and me right behind him.

I got to talk with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I got to talk with a famous person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His name is Thurop Van-Orman, creator of "The marvelous misadventures of Flapjack", storyboard artist for "The powerpuff girls", "The grim adventures of Billy and Mandy" and "Camp Lazlo".

NOT TO MENTION HE IS THE VOICE FOR FLAPJACK ON "The marvlous misadventures of Flapjack", AND HE'S THE CO PRODUCER OF ONE OF MY FAVORITE SHOWS, "Adventure time with Finn and Jake"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To learn more, click HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's really creepy:

I am going on vacation in like 4 weeks.

I got news a while back that the neighborhood I was living at was scary.

Here's why:

There was this little girl walking to her house with her mom. Apparently, when she was walking home, she kind of got lost from her mom.

Her mom tried to find her... suddenly, she could hear screaming:

"HELP!!!!!!!!! MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You guessed it. The little girl.

The mother turned around to see a little far away, her daughter was being dragged away by a stranger.

They never saw that little girl again.

Another time, someone tried to break into my cousin's car, but set off the alarm instead. He ran away before we could call the cops, though.

And I'm gonna tell you one more story....

Once, there was this family. In the family, there was a girl (young), a boy (young) and the parents. One day, when the mom was at work and the dad was asleep, the back door was unlocked. The two children were asleep, also, but on a couch. So, a stranger decided to come in, kidnap the little girl, throw her in the back of his truck, drive away, (This man was a child molester, and don't ask me what that means.) ummmmmm did something that should not be said out loud, and drown her in a lake.

I'm gonna have LOTS of fun where I'm going, huh?